Okay, face facts, there isn't a whole lot of things here to look at. And that's partially my fault, partially not. I don't have time that much any more to write. I'm currently working on a novel for Nation Novel Writing Month and I'm working on essays for college applications, doing school work, plays, college visits, and the works. During Yuletide, I will have time to actually go through and A) Update this layout. Merging pictures takes time and effort. B) Write more! Lots and lots and lots more. ^_^ I run two other sites besides this one, and have plans for two more.
But I can thread fics. Over thanksgiving I'll be doing that. SOOOOO, if you have an alternate non-yaoi pairing, please send it to me. I'd prefer either .doc or .txt attachments, if you MUST attach, but in email text is IDEAL to me. ^_^ I'm flexible...
But there are a few requirements:
1) The pairing must be between two EXSISTING GW characters. I don't give a damn if it's that-lady-on-barge-that-we-saw-before-Zechs-blew-it-up and the-guy-from-relena's-school, just as long as they are GW characters.
2) The Fic must be rated. I will read the fic, but I'm lazy. It takes three seconds to rate your fic (Lemon, fluff, whatever) and your rating may differ from my own. I won't change it unless, say, its a fic in which there is massive PWP between Relena, Wufei, and a can of whipped cream and you put angst.
3) If its a non-consensual fic, PLEASE try and keep it in good taste. I'll put it up if it is, but if Lady Une is raped by Heero's horse....well....no. That won't be put up.
Pictures I have to be a little more cautious about. Tripod doesn't allow pictures of people having sex. A tasteful after-glow piccie with a few strategicall placed limbs covering certain areas are fine. In all honesty, I personally don't care. When I was six, I went to art museums and I got an eye-full. But for some reason, on the internet, anything showing human body parts is evil porn, and not art. o.O;; When I have money, I'll buy a domain. Yes. And then we can have all the pretty things we need. ^_^ But until then, yeah...