The Pairings|The Fiction|The Art|Links|Contact
If you wish to link Alternate Destiny, use the banner above. I'll make smaller ones soon, but for now, that will have to do. Set links to http://hildeyuy.tripod.com OR http://shinigal.tripod.com. Kay? ^_^
For the most part, this will be alternate pairing shrines. Gotta an AP link? Email Me
Death Wish
The Princess and the Pauper
It's a link to some kawaii 2xR fiction.
Shrine to Duo and Relena
Guess what's in that shrine? ^_^
Parchment and Paper
Some AWESOME 2xR fictions. ^_^
Sabakuhana::Desert Bloom::
A 4xC fic shrine. ^_^

A 3xD Shrine

Yet again, 3xD