There is just something very interesting about them. Sure she'd perky and he broods, but there are tons of couple likes that. Just because she's perky doesn't mean she doesn't have a serious side. And just because he broods, it doesn't mean that he is without a softer, gentler side. There's a commong thread of almost brainwashing between them. Dr.J and the others worked on him and worked on him and made him do this and that until they had a perfect soldier. Emotionless; heartless; believing that his life was expendable at any moment...though not to the extent of Trowa ^_~ She was taken in by OZ, made believe this was the right thing she was doing. That fighting for the colonies was the only way of being. And that if she died in this attempt, it was for the best. There was no shame in dying for the colonies. She was more than prepared for it. She almost seemed to welcome it. Sound familiar? They both have demons, though hers are not explored as she's a minor character. And with a minor character, there are millions upon millions of possibilities.
Coming Together
In the Fanfiction:
The Affair to Remeber
I've seen this...three or four times. They have an affair on Duo and Relena. ^_^ Sappy and kinda mean of them, but awesome none the less. A great piece of this type of fiction is the 5 Minutes Arc.
No Explanation
^_^ I like this one. One day, they just happen to meet up and fall head over heels. Duo and Relena have no say in this. Just BOOM. 1xH heaven.
Moving On
Duo/Relena has moved on with their lives, marrying some one else. Heero and Hirde find solance in one another. ^_^ Yay!!
Links with this pair:
Kimi no Koto wa Itsudemo Mamoru (the site)
Any Hirde and Heero Fan should read this story. *sniffs* Also along for the ride is a 4xC fic and 2xR. ^_^ Alternate pairings ahoy!
The DxH Addiction
Not exactly 1xH, but it has the largest archive of Hilde alternate pairing fics available....and MANY are 1xH. (They may be down. This site is recovering after went postal/evil/neonazi with their bandwidth and is moving.
And finally....The HeeroxHilde mailing list! Whoo!!